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Apple oats porridge for baby

Oats porridge can be made in many ways, using milk or a fruit like apple, pear or banana. Apple can be replaced with a banana to make oats banana porridge. This porridge can be served to babies over 8 months.


  • 1/4 cup oats;
  • apple;
  • one cup water;
  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp butter.


  1.  Add oats with water, stir and soak for about 5 to ten minutes. Oats can also be powdered and used. If using regular rolled oats, powder them and then stir in the pot with water. Make sure there are no lumps of flour. Begin to cook this on a low to medium flame, stirring often to prevent burning.
  2.  While the oats boil, wash and peel the apple. Puree the apple.
  3.  Check if the oats are completely cooked.
  4.  Add the apple. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of butter can also be added now.
  5.  Babies don’t need sugar in their food, if you wish you can add. Stir well. If using almond powder, add it now. Cover and switch off the stove. Allow the pot to rest on the hot stove for a while. Apple gets lightly cooked. If you prefer to cook apple thoroughly, it can be cooked further.

Make photos of your baby eating the porridge, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked it.

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