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Carrot Purée

Your baby will surely like the tasty carrot puree!

This method of cooking also works with any of the other root vegetables eg: potatoes, sweet potato and swede. 


  • 350g carrots, peeled and chopped
  • some water or milk.


  1.  Put the carrots into a steamer set over boiling water and cook for 15 to 20 minutes until tender. Alternatively put the carrots in a saucepan and pour over just enough boiling water to and cover with a lid, simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until soft.
  2.  Drain the carrots and place in a blender, adding some of the water from the bottom of the steamer or some of the cooking liquid, then puree until very smooth.
  3.  The amount of liquid you add really depends on your baby, you may need to add a little more if he finds the puree difficult to swallow.
  4.  Spoon some of the puree into your baby’s bowl and serve lukewarm. You can freeze the remainder in an ice cube tray or small plastic containers.

Make photos of your baby eating the carrot puree, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked it.

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