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Eggs for breastfeeding Moms

Eggs are full of high-quality protein as well as vitamin A, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron and zinc. Several brands of eggs have been enriched with DHA.
Eggs can be prepared in dozens of ways, which also makes them a convenient and versatile food for nursing mothers. If boiled eggs are too bland for you, boil them the night before and make an egg salad or egg curry.But if your family members have egg allergies, that food can be not good for your little one!  Egg allergies (usually in the form of a sensitivity to egg whites) are common in young kids. As eggs lurk in all sorts of foods, from bread and snack foods to ice cream, it may be a difficult allergy to pinpoint. Another tactic for breastfeeding moms who suspect their child has a food allergy is to eliminate all of the most allergenic products from their diet entirely.
Make photos of your favourite meals with eggs, upload to the App. Write how often you eat eggs.

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