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Exercise ball for your newborn

Active gymnastics from the cradle - is it possible? With fitball - yes!

This large exercise ball helps to strengthen muscles and develop the child, eases pain, reduces muscle hypertonicity, it is an ideal prevention of colic and so forth.

How to start?

  • The first condition - umbilical wound healed.On average, classes begin at the age of 2-3 weeks.
  • The exercises are allowed after an hour after the baby fed.
  • Do not pull during exercise and keep the crumbs of the foot and hand - children's joints (wrist and ankle) is not yet ready for such a load.
  • For the first 5-7 minutes of training is enough for all the exercises. If you feel that a child is tired - do not wait until they pass a few minutes - stop training.

Consult your pediatrician before starting the training.

Make photos of your baby on the fitball, upload to the app. Write about the little one's reaction.

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