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Fruits and fruit drinks for breastfeeding Moms

Fruits are excellent sources of nutrition for breastfeeding mothers. If you dont gave allergies, during the breastfeeding period, make sure you eat a lot of yellow and green vegetables, fruits, milk and fibers. Avoid beans, cabbage and soda.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be a staple of everyone's diet. Eat seasonal fruit whenever possible; when fruit is in season, it's usually less expensive and plentiful. When cooking vegetables, steam them or saute them in olive oil instead of boiling them for long periods of time and leaching out much of the nutrients.

The best berries and fruits for you are:

  • blueberries, cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries;
  • cherry and plums (in compotes, decoctions, purees);
  • pears (peeled, with caution);
  • apples (peeled, baked);
  • bananas, peaches, apricots;
  • juices and other beverages with pulp - canned and fresh (better to give preference to drinks, intended for kids).

Upload your photo with your baby to the App. Write what fruits you often eat and what fruit beverages you drink.

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