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Household with a baby

Women still spend more time on housework than men do. When babies are added into the picture, that burden only becomes heavier. The woman gets, as it were, an extra job. She regularly finds that there are just not enough hours in the day.
But there is a way out! - Learn to make your daily routine with a baby, holding him/her with your arm or just putting close to you!
Your baby will see you and what you are doing and develop much quicker then the babies laying in the cradles!
The rule is: sleep with your little one and work when he/she is awaken.
Give your baby various real things to explore - wooden spoons, brushes, tubes of cream, etc.
Develop the new parenting skills, and you will surely like to feel the confidence in raising your baby up!
Make photos of your baby taking park in your household, upload to the App. Write briefly about your new skills and progress.

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