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Peanut butter for breastfeeding Moms

Breastfeeding is the gold-standard of nourishment for the health and well-being of both Mom and baby.

Breastfeeding mothers who have generally good diets are able to produce healthy breast milk for their babies, and butter can certainly be included in a balanced diet.

Peanuts are a healthy source of plant-based protein and unsaturated fats. They are low in cholesterol and contain fiber to help you feel full and satisfied. Fiber also aids in blood sugar balance and digestion. Peanut butter contains vitamins and minerals including niacin, which is important for the digestive and nervous systems, energy production and healthy skin. It also contains the antioxidant vitamin E for cell protection and a healthy immune system, and phosphorous for healthy bones, teeth and muscle function.

Peanut butter can provide the extra calorie boost needed for increased energy needs. Eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, protein, healthy fats and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, beans, olive oil, salmon, sardines, tuna and algae, may help decrease the baby’s risk of allergies. There is little need for concern when eating peanut butter while breastfeeding as long as there is no history of peanut allergies in your family.

Make photos of your family eating food with peanut butter, upload to the App. Write whether you often include it into your family menu.

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