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Playing with your 2 months old

After a whirlwind of sleepless nights and round-the-clock feedings, you're probably settling into a routine with your 2-month-old. In those precious moments when she's awake and alert, you can enjoy some playtime and social interaction with your little one.

Have Tummy Time Fun

Letting your baby spend time on her stomach under your watchful eye will help strengthen her back and neck muscles and prepare her for learning to crawl. Place her on her tummy on a clean floor. Prop her on her arms, making sure there are no blankets or toys around her face. Now watch her try to lift her head and move it from side to side. Start with about three to five minutes a few times a day and gradually increase the amount of time for each tummy session. Make sure your baby is awake and that you or another adult are watching her during these sessions.

Smile and Smile Back

At around this age, your baby may develop a social smile, which is a huge milestone for all parents. Prop him on your lap, talk to him, and smile at him. He’ll be entertained and engaged simply by the sound of your voice and the look on your face.

Read Together

Now is the perfect time to get into the routine of reading every day with your little one. A bedtime story is a wonderful way to wind down and help your newborn drift off into dreamland.

Make cute photos of your games with the baby, upload to the App. Write about the favorite ones.

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