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Relax and hobbies

Your baby is growing up and needs your time and attention. Besides, you have to choose minutes for dealing with the baby's dad and ordinary housework.

But still don't forget about your own relax and hobbies! Happy Mom strikes the routine much easier and quicker then one who doesn't have enough power just to smile!

What can you do instead of hobbies? - Here are some variants:

  • tidy the album with family photos;
  • write a long letter to a friend (mail or e-mail);
  • view and tidy your makeup and jewelry;
  • cook something quick and tasty;
  • arrange beauty treatments for your face, body, hair;
  • make physical exercises;
  • get rid of all the unnesessary things;
  • buy a new notebook and write down gently from the old one all the required addresses, phone numbers, useful information;
  • sew for baby a soft toy;
  • read a good book, etc.

Upload to the App your own photo. Write how you spend your free time.

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