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Sleeping with your baby

Co-sleeping with a newborn is a controversial topic, with experts and parents making good arguments for and against it.

Benefits of Cosleeping

The breastfeeding would be enhanced through close proximity to your baby - Mothers who share a bed while breastfeeding produce more milk and are able to nurse more easily and for a longer period of time.

Babies who “sleepshare” will better reach their full potential physically, intellectually and emotionally.

Check on your baby’s welfare more often at night - sleeping with your infant can help you arouse 30 percent more often. This will allow you to check on your baby’s needs and well-being, which may help prevent the too-deep sleep in babies that can contribute to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Problems With Cosleeping

Commit to not drinking alcohol or smoking if you plan to cosleep with your baby!

Adjust your sleep area when cosleeping to enhance your baby’s safety. Dangers of cosleeping include suffocation hazards such as quilts and pillows or strangulation hazards from your baby falling between the wall or headboard and bed. Your baby can also get tangled in nearby cords or your hair if it is long. To help prevent these situations, check your baby’s sleep area and make adjustments beforehand.

Make photos of your sleeping baby, upload to the App. Write how you arrange your sleeping with the little one.

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