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Toys for your baby

Give a baby a new toy - almost any toy - and chances are, you've got a happy little one! 

Toys are more than just playthings, though, and while they should be fun, they should also be age-appropriate, stimulating and safe. Play is so important in the social, mental, physical, and emotional development of children, and toys should be thought of as developmental learning tools.

Don't give your baby lots of toys at ones. You shpuld rotate toys in and out of a baby's toy box or room, reintroducing a toy after a few weeks when it feels fresh and new. And if your baby has several toys of a similar type, let him fully explore one before introducing another. Kids don't, for example, need five different shape-sorters out at one time.

Choose age-appropriate toys.

Kids enjoy toys that they can master and that are right for their particular stage of development. Infants are fascinated with movement, sounds, and simple black and white visuals. They are discovering their own bodies, working on eye-hand coordination, reaching, and grasping. 

So, age-appropriate toys for your baby are:

  • mobiles;
  • rattles;
  • busy boxes;
  • anything they can begin to grasp, swipe at, pull, kick, squeeze, or shake.

Wash all the toys with warm water and soap regularly to keep them clean, as the baby explores them, putting to the mouth.

Make photos of your baby playing with toys, upload to the App. Write what toys he/she has.

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