Congratulations, your baby is already 11 months old - soon you'll celebrate the first birthday!
Your baby might be exploring your home more than ever before. Whether she’s cruising around the living room furniture, standing on her own, or climbing up (but not down) the stairs, consider taking new steps to keep her safe.
It’s a good idea to install safety gates or other barriers at the top and bottom of stairs. Here are some other tips to help keep your baby safe:
- Clear her play area of hard, sharp-edged furniture
- Lower her crib mattress so she can’t crawl out or fall while she stands
- Install childproof locks on drawers, screens, doors, and windows
- Move pots and pans containing hot foods away from counter and table edges
- Insert plug protectors in any unused electrical outlets
- Store toxic substances (like household cleaners and products)
Your baby might not use real words yet, but if you ask him/her to point to the favorite toy or book, chances are he/she can. She’s babbling and she may even say a word or two. It’s a great time to foster her growing brain and developing hand-eye coordination with these activities:
- Help her walk with (or without) support
- Ask her to find her favorite toy in her toy basket
- Provide push/pull toys for her to play with
- Roll or toss a large ball back and forth
- Encourage her to stand and pick up a toy off the floor without holding on to anything
All babies develop at different rates. You should not be concerned if your baby does something later or earlier than other children. In general, by the end of her eleventh month, your baby will likely be able to do the following:
- Walk with one hand held
- Drink from a cup
- Say one word other than “mama” or “dada”
- Point or gesture to ask for something
Make photos of your cute little one, upload to the App. Write about his/her current development.
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