Offer your little one to make the cool bright craft - he/she will surely like it!Before starting name all the rainbow colors and pay attention to their sequence.You can also view books and photos of rainbows.To make the applique you'll need:
Cut the sheets of colored paper into strips, then cut them into squares.Glue the colored squares to the white sheet of paper, making the rainbow:
Cut out a frame of the sheet of cardboard, attach it to the applique.
Glue the craft to the window. As the sun rays can pass through parchment paper, your applique will look like stained glass.
Make photos of your kid making the rainbow, upload to the App. Write whether you both liked the activity.
Enter a valid email to sign in or sign up
Open the letter and click the link. The link is valid for 15 minutes
You can purchase it in mobile applications for iPhone and Android