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Decorate windows with snowflakes

1 to 7 years

Christmas is coming!

It's high tme to decorate your home with pretty nice snowflakes.

Offer your kid to view how you cut out the snowflakes and attach them to the window. Let hi/her take part in the funny process!

You'll need:

  • white paper napkins;
  •  scissors;
  • glue stick.

Snowflake has six rays. Fold the napkin in half six times. Draw an original pattern and cut out various snowflakes - large and small, carved and simple.

Glue the snowflakes to the windows with a glue stick or with a soap solution.

Christmas decorations will help you to create a magic atmosphere at your home!

Make photos of your little one attaching the snowflakes to the windows, upload to the App. Add some words about his/her impressions.

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