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Make paper Christmas Trees

2 to 7 years

Christmas is coming!
It's high time to create Christmas crafts and gifts - offer your little one to take part in the funny process!
You'll need:

  • white paper (album pages A4);
  • colored paper;
  • glue, scissors, a stapler;
  • plasticine, sequins, buttons, etc.

First at all, curl up of white sheets paper cones, fix them with a stapler and glue.

Offer your kid to decorate the cones, making Christmas Trees!
You can:

  • decorate them with small plasticine balls;
  • decorate them with ornaments cut out of colored paper;
  • paint ornaments with gouache;
  • wrap the cones with woolen threads and attach colored beads;
  • use old magazines, stickers, rhinestones, buttons, ribbons, lace, etc.

Use your fantasy and be creative!

Your pretty Christmas crafts are ready!

Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Add some words about your kid's impressions, write whom you are going to give the Trees as a gift.

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