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Visit your friends or relatives with a gift crafted by your kid!

2 to 7 years

Your kid is invited to visit your relatives and friends? Make them a gift by your own hands. A handmade gift is one of the best kinds of gifts. Making a gift with by your own hands, you put there your soul, your love and positive energy. The gift will be really valuable, original, and totally unique. Even young kids are able to produce wonderful and smart gifts:

  • Draw or paint a baby picture (you will have only to put it in a frame);
  • Decorate a scarf with acrylic paints or fabric markers;
  • Decorate a vase, bottle, box or a frame for photos.

 Older kids can make:

  • Beautiful card,
  • Bracelet or necklace,
  • Sew keychain, stuffed toy, makeup box or casket.

When the gift is ready, pack it nicely!

Make a photo of the gift and upload it to the App!

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