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Give your little one a hand puppet

As far back as prehistoric times, people have used their hands to help convey stories to others. What originally began as simple shadows reflected on the walls of fire-lit caves grew to include materials and props that simulated reality and presented longer and more complex productions on a miniature scale. Hand and finger puppets wearing masks and representing religious figures were used in Far Eastern, Middle Eastern and South American celebrations as a way to reinforce messages about the consequences of evil deeds. These were constructed of leather, fabric, woven threads and paper.

Hand puppets for babies are usually cute animals, dolls and fairy tale characters. Wear the figure on your hand and imitate its talking to your little one. Animate the puppet with your fingers, your baby will surely like it!

Show your baby how the puppet can move: move hands, nod, dance, etc. You can even tell a fairy tale with the new toy.

Then offer your little one to animate the puppet.

Make photos of your baby playing with the hand puppet and upload to the App. Add some words about the process, write whether your baby liked the new toy.

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