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Invent rituals

under 7 years

Rituals are customs, a certain sequence of actions that are performed every day at a certain time. For example, in the evening before going to bed kids are bathed, then they put on their pajamas, drink warm milk, mum kisses them, hugs and covers with a blanket and then turns off the light.

Kids love rituals, it is important for them to know what, when and in what sequence will occur. This commitment to the order is a way to cope with anxiety, because kids are so little and the world is so huge, every day there are lots of new, unpredictable, and at least something should be constant. Relying on the rituals, kids will be able to move on, to develop, to take risks and to learn new things.

Particularly important rituals of meetings and partings. In unfamiliar situations rituals help to overcome stress and anxiety.

Rituals, traditions and customs can vary a lot in different families, but they reinforce family values and help the family members to feel the support of the others.

Make interesting photos and upload them to the App. Write briefly about the rituals your kid likes most at all.

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