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The Circus

Offer your little one to play the funny game - he/she will surely like it!

The activity helps your baby to develop senses, cognitive abilities, to learn to express emotions.

Take several stuffed animals - they will be circus performers.

Come to your baby, hiding one of the toys behind your back, tell that you are going to play the game "Circus".

Announce "The Bear is perfoming!" - and show how the teddy bear makes various jumps and somersaults.

Explain your baby that if one likes the acts, he/she should clap - so, clap and offer the little one to repeat your actions.

Finishing the performance, the Bear should take a bow.

The next artist - Kitten - can be a ropewalker. Let the Kitten walk on the baby's cot railing or even hang a rope to demonstrate the amazing performance!

Clap with your baby, comment the toy artists' actions, express your emotions.

Make funny photos of the process, upload to the App. Write whether your baby liked the game.

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