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15 minites per day

15 minutes daily - that's the time you should spend on housework.

You can use just an alarm on your phone for keeping your home clean and making ordinary things such as washing nappies and clothes, cooking quick dishes, etc.

Braking up most of the cleaning necessities into shorter sessions you can fit into each day of the week—with one cleaning-free day off to enjoy your spic and span house!

Mix and match your days (outside of the schedule above) to make them work for you. If you hate having a day dedicated to laundry, for example, toss in a load or two a few other days of the week. If you find your floors need a quick vacuum more than once a week, add that chore to one of your least busy days of the week. No matter how you slice it, breaking your task list into smaller chunks will help cleaning the house seem more manageable.

Upload to the App photos of your house, write how you manage to arrange housework with your baby. 

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