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Air humidity in the baby room

You have surely heard that it is a good thing to provide an effective humidifier for baby whether a newborn infant, a little older baby, toddler, and young children.

Humidity — moisture in the air will prevent the loss of heat and water for the baby’s skin and nasal passages.Humidity for a baby ideally should be at 50% with a room temperature of about 70 degrees F.

Humidifiers put moisture into the air. During the wintertime with the heat turned on, or in dry hot climates, the humidity can be as low as 10%. In semi-arid climates, the humidity can be as low as 2%. Dry air is irritating to a baby’s sensitive skin, nasal passages, and lungs. Pediatricians recommend humidifiers for babies when they live in a dry environment.

a dry atmosphere, a humidifier will loosen the dry and congested membranes so that the secretions can be expelled and moved from the baby’s little body. Stuffy babies are miserable; we know how we feel when we are stuffed up with congestion in our nasal passages and lungs.

Adding humidity to the air helps babies and everyone lessen cold and flu symptoms. Congestion is without a doubt relieved with humidity. The mist from a humidifier is known to unstuff congested mucous membranes in the nose, throat, and lungs. Babies can breathe more comfortably and they recuperate sooner.

Make photos of your baby in the baby room, upload to the App. Write what measures you take to make the home climate comfortable for your little one.

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