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Anti-stress coloring books

Are you tired of daily routine and wish to relax? - Get an Anti-stress coloring book and start to color pretty pictures with cute patterns and lots of small details!

Coloring ornaments, patterns, abstractions, images is a perfect way of having a rest and calm down.

You can use colored pencils and pens, felt pens, paints for the purpose, looking for thr best shades aand combinations of colors.

You'll notice that your mode and state of mind will influence the colors and styles you choose. This creative activity will surely help you to strike everyday tiredness and housework.

In a word, it's worth a try!

If you don't have the book, just find an appropriate picture in the Internet - there are lots of them, print it and start!

The activity is a sort of art-therapy. Creating stunning artworks, filled with intricate beauty is a stress-relieving. Complete the detailed pieces to lift your mood and focus your mind.

Make photos of your best colored pictures, upload to the App. Write whether you liked the activity.

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