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Arrange a safe space for your baby

Your little one is growing up and is longer awaken than asleep.
Keeping your baby safe at home can be easy. There are lots of ways to make sure your home is fun, stimulating and safe as your baby grows and develops.
Baby-proofing and childproofing might make you think of a place where babies and children can never get hurt. The reality is that children can still have tumbles and falls. The key is supervision as well as a safe environment. Your baby will be safest if you accept that childproofing is always a work in progress – as your little one grows and learns to climb and open things, you need to keep an eye out for new hazards.When kids have a creative place to play and explore, with lots of interesting things to do and look at, they’ll be less likely to seek their own stimulation by exploring areas you might not want them to get into.
Make photos of your little one in the "safe" room, upload to the App. Add some words about the measures you take to make your home safe.

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