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Carrots for breastfeeding Moms

When you're breastfeeding, anything you ingest will reach your baby.
If you're on a carrot kick because you're trying to lose weight or just to increase your veggie intake, your baby will get a good dose of the ingredients in carrots as well.
While carrots are a healthy food, full of vitamins and minerals, allergies to carrots can occur and could affect your baby.
Carrots can also cause harmless color changes in your baby's skin. Besides, little kids can have allergies to the foods you eat while nursing. The tendency to have food allergies runs in families. Your baby may not have the same food allergies as anyone else in the family; it's the tendency toward allergy, not the specific food allergies, that your baby inherits. Around 6 to 8 percent of infants and children have some type of food allergy.  baby with a carrot allergy may have abdominal pain that makes him irritable, gassy or bloated. He may vomit or have diarrhea. He could also develop facial swelling, especially around his eyes, mouth or lips. Allergies can also cause respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and runny or stuffy nose. If your baby develops allergic symptoms, notify his doctor or seek immediate medical attention if he has trouble breathing.
Otherwise, eat the carrots as you wish!
Make photos of your favourite meals with carrots, upload to the App. Add some words about the dishes.

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