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Choose an exercise ball

Exercise ball is perfect both for a new mom and a baby - she can lull the little one on the ball, training muscles, and the baby will like swinging.

Besides, later you will use it for first baby exercises.

Choosing the ball, remember, that is has to be tough and resist piercing. It should also handle greater weights.

At any rate, use a burst-resistant exercise ball whenever possible (transparent balls and the huge megaballs are not appropriate).

Still the best choice is the biggest ball, as it will help you to sit after delivery even when you actually can't sit.

Fitball can help you:

  • Against colicGentle rocking on the ball, and the pressure on the stomach cause relaxation of strained abdominal muscles.It establishes the intestinal activity, eliminates constipation and reduces colic
  • Develop coordination Comfortable swinging in different directions develop the vestibular apparatus and form a proper co-ordination from an early age
  • Removes flexor hypertonicityWith exercises relax different muscle groups.This can be used to treat and prevent hyper, which occurs in most infants.
  • CalmsPassive motion for little children remind them of prenatal life in the mother's tummy.It reduces stress and facilitates post-natal stage to adapt to new conditions.

Make photos with your baby on the fitball, upload to the App. Write how you use it.

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