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Experimentalize with your new status

Being a new mom can be overwhelming. You're trying to adjust to a new schedule, new demands and new little being.

While you are learning what your baby will respond well to – when it comes to putting him to sleep, feeding time and even play time – don't be afraid to try different techniques. If she is fussing while you are rocking her in your arms, try putting her up against your shoulder; if you put her down and she starts crying, offer her a pacifier or try putting her in the infant swing. While you are getting used to your babies likes and dislikes, you may need to test out several different things before you find what really makes her smile.

Every day, carve out some time that is just for you. Between feeding, changing and trying to get your baby down to sleep, you may find yourself emotionally depleted. Take a quick bath, read a magazine for 10 minutes or paint your toenails while baby enjoys the swing or bouncy seat.

Make photos with your cute baby, upload to the App. Write what you do to stay calm and adopt to the new role.

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