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Hire help — you've earned it!

When your welcome a new baby to the household, household is pretty much the last thing you feel like doing. You're tired! And this little person is demanding all your time and energy.

It's said that it takes a village to raise a child, so when friends and family offer to fold laundry or whip up a meal, accept with open arms!

For new moms who aren't comfortable accepting help from friends and family, consider hiring help. Paying a cleaning service to take care of household chores will let you focus on bonding with your newborn without the guilt of letting friends and family pitch in when there are chores to do.

When your bun in the oven makes his appearance, accepting that your priorities will be reorganized will help cut down on stress when worrying about how to get housework done with a newborn baby. So, cuddle up with your newborn, take a deep breath and know that the housework will get done — eventually!

Make photos with your cute baby in your cozy house, upload to the App. Write how you manage to cope with housework.

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