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Housework vs Baby?

When you welcome a new baby to the household, household is pretty much the last thing you feel like doing. You're tired! And this little person is demanding all your time and energy. There are some tips for you to cope with baby bonding and cleaning it up!

  • Use a baby carrierWhen there are chores to do, make use of your baby carrier or baby sling and get in some cuddle time while pulling off some light housework. Just be sure to avoid spraying chemicals around your newborn and engaging in any movements that will put your little one in harm's way. It's also a good trick when getting a baby to sleep is challenging, too!
  • Work smart, not hardUse your time wisely. Instead of cleaning all day long, designate a basket to put everything in its proper place at end of day. And, leave sweeping or mopping until the end of the day so you won't have to do this chore more than once.
  • Chip away at choresThere's no rule that says you have to clean your house from top to bottom in a single swoop. Complete a few cleaning tasks each day to get housework done while still leaving you plenty of time for your newborn.
  • Let others lend a handIt's said that it takes a village to raise a child, so when friends and family offer to fold laundry or whip up a meal, accept with open arms!

Make photos of your daily routine with the little one, upload to the App. Write what you already manage to do with the newborn without any help.

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