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How your 8 month-old baby plays

Your baby is growing up and becoming more and more confident in his/her movements and coordination.
The little one can already memorize various information and repeat former actions, explores the objects around - rumples them, rolls, opens, closes, pushes into holes, puts on a core and put away, throws and takes toys, hits the drum, etc. 
Your baby is fond of repeating one and the same actions lots of times, as he/she is waiting for repeating of sensory impressions and the results of the actions.
Give your little one various objects and toys to explore and manipulate.
Play with your baby, cheer him/her  to make new discoveries, stimulate the natural curiosity, tell about the world around, support and praise the little one. Thus you'll ensure your baby harmonious and comprehensive development. 
Make photos with your cute baby, upload to the App. Write briefly about the little one's new skills, add some words about his/her favorite games, toys, etc.

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