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Lentil Purée

Cook your toddler the delicious puree - lentils are a good source of protein, iron and fibre.


  • 1 tbsp red lentils
  • 2oz (1/4 cup) sweet potato, peeled and diced
  • 2oz (1/4 cup) chopped cauliflower
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and diced
  • roughly 6 fl oz (3/4 cup) milk


  1.  Rinse the lentils, then put all the ingredients into a small saucepan. Bring to the boil.
  2.  Next, lower the heat and simmer the mixture until the lentils are cooked and the veggies are tender (about 20-30 mins). You can always add a little more milk if the mixture begins to dry out.
  3.  Put the mixture into a food processor and blend until smooth.

Make photos of your little one eating lentil puree, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the dish.

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