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Natural ways to ease baby teething

Teething… UGH! The lack of sleep, the crankiness, and the biting. Ouch! It can be painful for the baby… AND the entire family.

Fortunately, there are natural teething remedies that will ease teething pain and restore sanity to your house:

  • Frozen thingsYou can freeze everything from teethers, to wet washcloths, to carrots and celery. All of them can numb aching gums.
  • Mesh teething feederThis overachieving device not only introduces babies to new flavors but it serves as a great teether, particularly if left in the fridge or freezer. I like putting ice and breast milk cubes in this contraption.
  • Amber necklaceIt seems like voodoo but many swear by these necklaces. As your baby wears the amber, her body heat releases the succinic acid which has anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties.
  • Facial massageIf you’re baby is game, rub his face, jaw and gums in a circular motion. Sometimes they’ll resist but other times it hits the spot. You might notice that your baby “self massages” by rubbing her jaw against her mattress or pulling her ears while nursing.

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