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Red caviar while breastfeeding

Red caviar is a caviar made from the roe of Pacific, Atlantic and river species of salmon. Given its high price in the West, red caviar is associated with luxury and wealth, but in Russia and Japan, caviar is commonly served at holiday feasts, weddings and other festive occasions.

Seafood is known for its rich mineral composition and other important substances.Red caviar is no exception  for nursing mothers.

The high content of iodine contributes to the proper development of the thyroid gland as a kid, and most moms. In addition, the iodine in the body affects the hormones that postpartum women are quite unstable. Hormones also partly responsible for the quality of breastmilk and that certainly is important when breastfeeding.

Vitamin A, folic acid, and many other elements contribute to the intellectual development of the child, stimulates the correct function of the cardiovascular system of the body, prevent blood clots, the blood is maintained in the required balance.

Despite all its advantages, caviar has disadvantages that occur during breastfeeding:

  • salty taste affects the taste of milk that can not like a child.Enter the small portions of the foods in your diet to avoid potential problems.The child may be reluctant to suck or even refuse the breast due to the unusual taste.
  • as all products that are rich in composition, it can cause allergies. It is necessary to trace the child's reaction to the introduction of this product in the diet, and decide on the possibility of further use.

Still the positive properties are much larger, and the risk of trouble when used in food is minimal.

Make photos with your baby, upload to the App. Write whether you eat caviar during breastfeeding and how your little one reacts to it.

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