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Stroke your little one

Baby stroking is becoming quite popular as the benefits become more apparent. It has been used by parents to promote better sleep, improve motor skills and soothe colicky babies. 

It is a great way for parents and baby to enhance the bonding experience and can easily be incorporated into the daily routine of baby care.

The sooner you begin the stroking process, the more natural the experience will be for your baby.

Keep in mind that you should not use an upward stroke on babies 6 weeks or less in order to avoid over-stimulation.Discover the various ways to stroke your baby. All strokes should be done with a slow, lightly pressured touch. Generally an upward stroke will stimulate the nervous system while a downward stroke will result in a calming effect.

Make photos of you stroking your little one and upload to the App. Write briefly about the process and your baby's reaction.

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