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Three-months-old baby

Your little one is already 3 months old!

He/she should definitely be able to laugh out loud by now! The baby might even be able to laugh in response to you. 

If you pull your baby up to a standing position, it is possible that he might be able to put some weight on his legs, although he will still be very unsteady.

The little one might actually be starting to sleep longer if not through the night at this point! His/her body is finally figuring out the whole day and night issue, and he is able to eat and store more in the evenings to get him through the night without waking up for several meals.

Does your baby seem a bit "spastic"? At this point your 3 month old is not yet able to coordinate all of his movements and will often miss when trying to grab object. Don't be concerned as these movements will eventually come together and your infant will be able to easily acquire whatever object he is going after.

Make photos with your cute baby, upload to the App. Write briefly about his/her development and new skills.

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