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Your 5 months old baby

The fifth month is a time of transitions for your baby. You can expect him to make his first attempts at real speech. He’s also gearing up to start crawling, which means you need to be ready for your little one’s new mobility!

Some 5-month-olds can start rolling over from their back to their tummy. Once your baby does roll over, you may notice him working his legs and rocking. He’s getting ready for crawling and scooting, which are just a couple of months away! But remember, when baby is able to roll over, make sure you never leave him on a bed or other high surface where he can accidentally roll off and get injured.

Another thing you’ll notice at five months is that your baby’s grasp is getting stronger. He can pull objects closer and pick them up in the palm of his hand then move them adeptly from one hand to the other. He may even be able to hold a bottle or sippy cup by himself.

Your baby should be babbling away by now, and those babbles might even be starting to sound like real words. Five-month-olds can begin to put consonant and vowel sounds together (such as ''ba-ba''). If you hear a ''ma-ma'' or ''da-da'' in the mix, don’t get too excited. Babies at this age haven’t yet assigned meaning to words. Wait another couple of months and those ''ma-mas'' and ''da-das'' will be directed at you.

At five months, babies are starting to make sense of the sounds they hear, such as a dog barking or a car engine starting. Though they can’t yet understand words, they may turn their head at the sound of their name or a simple command like ''no'.'

Make cute photos of your little one, upload to the App. Write briefly about your baby's first speech.

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