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Decorate your kid's room with fallen leaves

Autumn is an amazing season!
To create the cozy atmosphere, make with your kid those bright fallen leaves and decorate your home!
You'll need:

  • thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • a pencil;
  • gouache;
  • a round foam rubber stamp;
  • a jar of water.

Cut out maple leaves of the sheets of paper.

Take gouache of bright autumn colors - red, yellow, orange, green - and color the leaves surface with the foam rubber stamp.
Your kid can also mix the paints, getting various shades of the colors!

Thus you'll get those bright fallen leaves!

Let the paints dry. Then decorate your kid's room and if you wish even the whole home with the cool autumn crafts!
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write whether you both liked the task, add some words about your kid's impressions.

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