Pastels are a great, fun tool for kids to use while creating art. Pastels come in a variety of forms including soft pastels, hard pastels, oil pastels, and pastel pencil. They can be used on a variety of surfaces including paper, canvas, masonite, and illustration board. Pastel drawings can resemble paintings when complete and sometimes are refered to as "paintings", although the process is decidely a drawing process. Pastels are applied to surfaces using many different techniques that can produce a wide variety of effects and results. Starting to draw, offer your little one to make easy lines of different thickness. The sharp edge leaves a clear thin line. The blunt edge - wide and soft lines. Taking the pastel with two fingers, your little one will manage to draw with the lateral side. Thus you'll get a wide colored spot.
Show your kid how to shade the drawings and mix different colors:
To make a picture, draw the outlines with light thin lines. Then add more colors.
Pictures on colored paper look very smart.
Drawing with the pastels, your kid develops fantasy and imagination.
Fix the images with hair fixation spray, as the pastel particles often flake off.
Make photos of your kid drawing with pastels and upload to the App. Add some words about the process and write whether your kid liked the activity.
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