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Make a notepad

Make with your kid the original pretty notepad!
You'll need:

  • pieces of various wallpapers;
  • colored paper;
  • old magazines, postcards, newspapers;
  • exercise books;
  • stickers;
  • scissors;
  • a thick needle;
  • thick threads;
  • glue.

Cut out of the wallpaper pieces, exercise books and colored paper  A5 format sheets for your notepad:

Stack them and fasten together with the thread:

Make the notepad cover:

Also decorate the notepad sheets with old newspapers and bright pictures from old magazines.

Use stickers and post cards for decoration:

Ask your kid to choose the appropriate decorative elements as he/she wishes.

Your notepad is ready!
Let your kid keep there friends and relatives addresses and phone numbers, important plans, wishes and dreams.
Make photos of your kid making the original notepad, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the idea.

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