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Make a panel of groats and seeds

To make the original craft you'll need:

  • a piece of plywood or fibreboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • a glue gun;
  • various groats: rice, wheat, etc.;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • coffee beans;
  • peas, mung beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.;
  • a pencil.

Draw a large geometrical pattern on the plywood. It should be simple, without any additional details.

Then fill the elements of the drawing with different groats and seeds, attaching them with PVA glue.

glue groats, smear the surface with glue, pour the groats, whait until it dries and shake the redundant groats off.

glue coffee beans or pumpkin seeds it's better to use a glue gun.

The panel is ready!

Offer your kid to decorate his/her room with the cool craft!

Make photos of your kid making the panel, upload to the App. Write whether you both liked the process.

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