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Make "The Bag of Good Mood"!

5 to 7 years

To glad the relatives or friends on holidays, or just to help someone feel better, make this sweet and delicious gift with your kid!


  • White fabric,
  • Colored fabric (fleece),
  • Tape or rope,
  • Scissors, thread, needle,
  • Fabric markers,
  • Sweets and candies.

  • Sew a bag from the colored fabric.
  • Sew on the rope to the bag.
  • Cut a rectangle from white fabric and sign there something like: "The Bag of Good Mood."
  • Sew on the piece of fabric with an inscription to the bag.

Now you can put to the bag goodies and sweets!

This bag will be a wonderful gift for family and friends.

Make photos of the process and your Bag and upload the collage to the App.

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