Make with your toddler the craft "Funny octopuses"
So cute craft you can make with your little one!
You'll need:
white paper;
red gouache, a brush;
blue cardboard;
toy eyes;
small buttons;
As the first step, make on white paper prints of your toddler's hands. To do this, paint your kid's palms and fingers with gouache and let your little one put them on the sheet. Wash the kid's hands with a soap and wait until the paint dries. Then cut out the prints and glue them to the blue cardboard (fingers down). Thus you'll get two octopuses in the ocean! Decorate the octopuses with small buttons, attach their eyes. Finally, take the plasticine and make the ocean floor - yellow sand, green seaweed and grey stones. The craft is ready! Now you can even invent a story about the funny octopuses!
Make photos of your toddler making the funny picture, upload to the App. Add some words about the process and your toddler's impressions.
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