Easy way to entertain your kid when you have to stay indoors!
To make the craft you'll need:
disposable paper plate;
gouache, brush, jar of water;
colored paper;
scissors, glue;
decorative eyes;
sequins, pieces of felt;
jute rope, beads.
First, ask your kid to color the paper plate with gouache, decorating it with pretty patterns - thus you'll make the peacock's tail.
Cut out of colored paper the peacock body, beak and crest.
Glue all the details - the body, the beak, the crest, the decorative eyes - to the craft.
Decorate your peacock with beads.
Finally make a hole and thread a jute rope through it, making a loop - thus you'll manage to hang your craft at the playing area or above the kid's table.
Make photos of the process, upload to the App. Write whether your kid liked the idea.
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