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Pretty decoupage glass

Offer your kid to make the pretty decoupage craft!

Even if you've got a son, offer him to perform the task - thus he'll make a cute gift for friends or relatives.

You'll need:

  • glass or cup;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • foam stamp;
  • decoupage varnish;
  • decoupage glue;
  • beautiful napkin (choose one with white background);
  • scissors;
  • flat brush.

Using the foam stamp, cover the glass with 2-3 layers of white acrylic paint.

Let the paint dry.

To decorate your craft you'll need the cover napkin layer with images.

Cut the appropriate images of the cover napkin layer and glue it to the craft, smoothing them from the middle to edges with the flat brush.

Let glue dry, cover the craft with 2 layers of decoupage varnish and let them dry.

Your cute craft is ready!

Make photos of your kid making the decoupage glass, upload to the App. Write whether you both liked the idea.

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