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Soaring ghosts

Decorate your kid's room for Halloween with the cute soaring ghosts made of cheesecloth!

You'll need:

  •  cheesecloth (if ghosts are planned to be small, you can use bandages);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • water;
  • a spray bottle;
  • balloons (or round objects);
  • a needle;
  • stands for balloons;
  • black paper.

On the photos below round jars are used instead of ballons.

Cut the cheesecloth into pieces large enough to cover the baloons (or other round objects) with their stands:

Zigzag edges of the cover will make your Halloween ghosts much more realistic!

Mix PVA glue with the same volume of water and pour the liquid into the spray bottle.

Spray your ghosts, straightening the curly edges of the cheesecloth.

Don't make the edges of the covers  too wet, as lots of glue won't let your ghosts be ethereal!  - You'd better spray most of the liquid to the balloons.

Let the liquid dry, it will take about three hours.

When the ghosts are dry, make a hole in the ballons with a needle.

If you use other round objects, you'll have to lift gently the ghosts' bodies to take the objects off.

Cut eys and mouths of black fabric. Glue them to the ghosts' faces.

Useing a thin thread, hang your misterious Halloween guests!

Make photos of the whole process, upload to the App. Write about your kid's impressions, add some words about the Halloween atsmoshere you've created!

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