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All The Pretty Little Horses

"All The Pretty Little Horses" is a beautiful lullaby (nursery rhyme) that makes babies and children fall asleep very easily. 

Did you know that it is an old traditional Afro-American nursery rhyme and lullaby? Enjoy the lullaby!

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep, my little baby
When you wake, you shall have
All the pretty little horses
Dapples and grays, pintos and bays
All the pretty little horses!

Way down yonder
In the meadow
Poor little baby, crying Mama
Birds and the butterflies
Flutter round his eyes
Poor little baby crying Mamma.

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep, my little baby
When you wake, you shall have
All the pretty little horses
Dapples and grays, pintos and bays
All the pretty little horses!

Make cute photos of your little one listening to your singing, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked the lullaby.

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