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Arrange a Puppet Play

Puppet show is a creative way to entertain your little one!

To arrange the puppet play you'll need a set of simple finger or hand puppets - you can make your own out of coloured paper and felt-tip pens.

A new plushy friend (or a homemade sock puppet) might inspire you to sing a different song, tell a brand-new story, play an unfamiliar game, or even just try on a funny accent. As each puppet speaks, bend your finger forward so the puppet bows to your baby. Wait a moment, as if your baby were answering, then continue conducting a one-sided conversation between the baby and each puppet. Finally, have the puppets form a farewell parade, bobbing up and down, out of your baby's sight.

Puppet plays offer lots of learning opportunities - they can play peekaboo, act out stories or songs, and keep your baby company in unfamiliar places. They encourage him/her to imagine (the bear is talking to me!), focus (wait a minute, what's happening here?), laugh (the teddy is so funny!), talk (I have to answer this cute doll!), wonder (that sounds like my mom, but something is different!), even to enjoy a surprise (wow! I didn't expect that guy to show up over there! Do it again!). Thus, puppet play is a super way to build social skills.

Make photos of your baby's conversation with the puppets, upload to the App. Write about the games and educational situations you arrange with puppets.

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