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A Magic Bag

Craft for your little one the funny bag to explore it and the things hidden inside!
Your baby will like to play with the Magic Bag from the very early months to 2-3 years old.
You'll need:

  • rubber balls from a pet store;
  • champagne corks;
  • a rubber ring-expander;
  • wooden, plastic rings and cubes;
  • a piece of foam sponge;
  • a small brush for clothes (clean);
  • large details of any toy constructor, etc.

NB! Your baby must play with the bag and small things only under your supervision! Don't allow him/her to put the objects to the mouth!

Exploring the things from the Magic Bag, name them and comment their textures, shapes, colors, etc. Explain the little one what he/she feels touching the objects.
Playing with the bag develops the baby's tactile sensitivity and motor coordination, improves passive vocabulary.
Make photos of your little one wih the new developing toy, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked to explore it.

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