Sew your baby a tactile carpet. The little one will view and touch the cute craft, developing his/her vision and sensory sensitivity. You'll need:
a piece of white cloth (about 1x1 m);
various pieces of black and white fabrics (fur, velvet, corduroy, etc.);
threads, needles, scissors;
large black and white buttons.
Sew to the cloth the pieces of fabrics with various textures, decorate the carpet with large black and white buttons. Sew the buttons tightly, so that your baby couldn't tear them off while playing. Lay your baby on the carpet when he/she is awaken or just hang it next to the baby cot to view the black and white patterns.
NB! Your baby should explore the tactile carpet only under adult supervision.
Make photos of your baby laying on the carpet, upload to the App. Write about your little one's reaction to the craft.
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