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Baby Bumble Bee

Baby Bumble Bee (often also called Baby Bumblebee) is a popular nursery rhyme about a child who was stung by a bee.


Baby Bumble Bee had a fly upon his nose,
Baby Bumble Bee had a fly upon his nose,
Baby Bumble Bee had a fly upon his nose,
And he flipped it and he flapped it and it flew away.

Powder Puffs and Curly Whiskers,
Powder Puffs and Curly Whiskers,
Powder Puffs and Curly Whiskers,
And he flipped it and he flapped it and it flew away.

Make photos of your baby listening to the nursery rhyme, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked it, add some words about the little one's reaction.

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