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Funny fruits - nursery rhymes

Your baby will surely like listening to the nursery rhymes!
I look like a tomato, but we're not the same. Mr. Persimmon is my name. 
If you eat me too early you won't like me at all. 
You have to be patient and wait 'till the fall.
If you wait 'till I'm ripe, I'm super sweet, 
juicy and drippy, a bit messy to eat.
I have lots of fiber and vitamin A. 
Once you taste me you'll ask for me every day. 
Just sit and eat them, one by one.
A small orangish fruit, a cousin of the peach, a big stone in the middle can be found in each. 
Not overly juicy, not so messy to eat, 
apricot season is short; that's what makes them a treat.
Fuzzy on the outside, lots of vitamin A below, 
Turkey, Greece, Armenia is where they grow.
They grow so big and heavy! Be careful not to drop! That'd make an awful mess; you'd have to find a mop. 
But some cold watermelon on a hot afternoon? 
That's better than ice-cream in August or June. 
To pickle the rind, you must first scrape it clean.
Don't forget to roast the seeds. That's fine cuisine!
Make photos of your baby listening to the rhymes, upload to the App. Write whether he/she liked it.

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